Traditional dating apps started as a convenient and new way for people to chat with and meet each other with the notion of a potential romantic partner in mind.
It's easy to get started, as it only takes about 5 minutes to set up a profile, add pictures, and start matching.
However, as these dating apps have evolved (or devolved), they have been exposed as just another app that gets users hooked on swiping mindlessly, with no intention of actually finding true love for people through their flawed design.
More and more folks are realizing that traditional dating apps have failed society and become more of a meme than anything else, and reports about negative experiences become more prominent everyday.
Even more so, a recent study found that people prefer to use another app that is not even related to dating in order to connect with potential partners and go out on dates.
Linked... Up?
According to an article by USA Today, a recent survey showed that most people actually prefer to use the popular networking site LinkedIn to find potential partners rather than traditional dating apps like Tinder.
From the article:
"While LinkedIn connects businesses with employees and professionals with other professionals, plenty of romance is bubbling under the surface that you probably don’t see."
The survey noted that it was the more popular dating method for single people between ages 25-40, as well as people ages 35-40.
LinkedIn is known as a site for professionals to "link up", network, and find jobs related to their fields, so it is very interesting to learn that people are actually using it to also link up romantically.
While interesting to discover, it also makes sense. As we touched on earlier, more and more people are fleeing traditional dating apps because of their ineffectiveness, so naturally, people are looking for alternatives.
Why Exactly LinkedIn?
As people look for alternatives, why do we think LinkedIn becomes a viable option?
Well, one of the main problems with traditional dating apps is that they mostly focus on physical appearance and simple interests for matching.
While this may be OK for men, who place a lot of value in physical appearance when choosing female partners, the same cannot be said for women, who place more value in other traits that men have like leadership, ambition, and competence.
While it is certainly not a dating app by design, LinkedIn gives way more insight into traits like competence, career goals, and achievements than traditional dating apps.
This makes it more ideal for people who are serious about finding someone who shares important life goals and has these coveted traits, as opposed to just swiping mindlessly left and right based on the angle of a photo.
Traditional Dating Apps Provide Zero Insight
Think about it: If you are on a dating app and you are looking for someone with attractive personality traits, how can you know a person has these traits?
If you are a woman looking for a competent man with ambition and solid career goals to start a family with, how can you know if a man has these traits?
The answer is simple. You can't know. At least not as a starting point.
Like we mentioned before, dating apps use physical appearance and pictures as a starting point to find love, which is a huge obstacle for most people to have to get over in order to even start a conversation and try to learn more about a person.
As a man, you first have to win a ridiculous beauty contest, or a contest of the “best looking photos”, and then perhaps you will get a chance to show your other qualities through conversation.
Yes, perhaps. Because traditional dating apps also give people (especially women) the illusion that there are a limitless amount of matches for them in the world, so we tend to invest way less in starting and maintaining a conversation with someone because we think there's always someone else out there.
For dating apps to truly fulfill their purpose, they need to use traits like competence and ambition as a starting point for matching, rather than pictures.
This is especially true for men, who are judged based on physical appearance by women, when in reality, women simply don't value appearance as much.
Good News, FrostyWave is Here!
FrostyWave is designed to empower exceptional women to make the right choices in love and life.
Women gain access to lessons, classes, and workshops on relationships to better understand themselves, the opposite gender, relationship dynamics, and how to build strong, lasting connections. Additionally, our app connects women with high-quality men who are compatible with them.
Men can join the app by filling out an application that includes questions about personal and career achievements, goals, aspirations, plans, and relationship expectations. If accepted, men will be introduced to women they are compatible with.
In doing so, we create a balanced dating environment that offers both a positive experience and a practical, serious way for men and women to find their dream partner and build a successful and strong relationship.
Download the FrostyWave app, fill out the application, and begin your journey to love!
Available on the App Store and Google Play Store.