Everyone knows about Online Dating and all the popular dating apps on the market.
But there is another form of dating service that is often overlooked in today's digital world: Matchmaking Services
Traditional matchmaking services have been around for decades, even before the internet was king, and significantly sized companies have been established and grown based on their ability to provide these services.
Matchmaking services are popular among professionals and those seeking serious, long-term relationships, but make up a small part of the $8 billion global dating service market.
Why are they a go-to for people seeking serious relationships? Well, because they are generally seen as an effective solution.
According to some matchmaking services, 80-90% of their clients find meaningful relationships or long-term partners.
So, if these services are so effective, why do they make up such a small share of the global dating market? Why doesn't everyone use them?
Well, besides the services themselves claiming an 80-90% success rate, traditional matchmaking comes with many flaws, including an outdated design, a focus on older partners, and an expensive price tag.
Matchmaking services demand a lump sum for love.
In this article, we'll go over some of these flaws, and discuss how FrostyWave takes the positives of traditional matchmaking and improves on them with an innovative, updated design.
How does this Differ from Dating Apps?

The biggest way matchmaking services differ from dating apps is by way of personalization and curation.
Matchmaking services often include a human who interviews clients and personally selects potential partners for them based on their personality, interests, and goals.
Dating apps are algorithm-driven and rely mostly on user input.
Matchmaking services also offer a highly targeted pool of potential partners, and a high level of confidentiality, because a lot of their users are high-profile executives or public figures.
Dating apps offer almost no confidentiality, as everyone's profile is open to the world.
These traditional services also provide to users a hands-off dating experience, where they can save time by allowing a professional to find matches for them, whereas dating apps can be very time-consuming with copious amounts of swiping and vetting on the user's end.
Overall, matchmaking services seem like a much better alternative to dating apps, but given a closer look, these services come with their fair share of flaws, especially for the modern dater.
There's a reason such a small amount of people use them.
The 3 Flaws of Traditional Matchmaking Services
By far the biggest flaw of matchmaking services, and the reason why most people don't use them, is their exorbitant fees.
The cost for these services range anywhere from tens of thousands of dollars to $250,000 annually.
Another flaw is that the match pool is often very limited, and based on the professional matchmaker's network.
Not only that, but users have to rely on the human matchmaker to know what they want, without any bias or misconception.
So if users pay tens of thousands of dollars, they have to then have faith that the matchmaker will give them what they want. And we all know that it's not easy to accurately guess one's "type" with human eyes and emotions.
Despite being regarded as a time-saving method of dating, matchmaking services can also be very time-consuming, as it can take months to find a match for the user.
A lot of the design of these services is simply outdated, especially considering we live in an online world.
How FrostyWave Innovates Traditional Matchmaking

FrostyWave is designed to empower exceptional young women to make the right choices in love and life. Our app offers a range of lessons and workshops on femininity and relationships, while also incorporating a matchmaking component.
Each month, our AI selects and introduces women to 5-7 high-quality men who are compatible with them. The algorithm is based on human evolution, biology, and scientific research on successful relationships, ensuring our users are set up for success in finding the love of their life.
Our introductions are based on thousands of data points analyzed by our algorithm, making them far more powerful than the random matches typically found on traditional dating apps, significantly increasing your chances of turning the connection into a meaningful relationship.
And everything is seamless within the app, without any awkward interactions with matchmakers or the potential biases they may introduce. On FrostyWave, the AI is your personal matchmaker!
Ready to join us? Simply download the app and complete the application form!
Available on the App Store and Google Play Store.