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4 min read
How AI is Revolutionizing Dating
Artificial Intelligence has become one of the largest markets in the world in the past decade. While it's been used as a tool in various...

3 min read
How FrostyWave Takes Matchmaking to the Next Level
Everyone knows about Online Dating and all the popular dating apps on the market. But there is another form of dating service that is...

3 min read
What Men Value Most in Women
What exactly do men value in a potential female partner? Well, the first thing that probably comes to mind for most people is physical...

4 min read
Break the Cycle: How you can Conquer the Digital Dopamine Loop
We all do it. We all scroll through our phone, either through social media, our web browser, or even dating apps. Most of us do this at...

4 min read
Is Hookup Culture Destroying our Relationships?
Hookup culture has become much more than just a term to describe casual sex in recent years. It has become what its name implies: a...

4 min read
People Prefer to Use WHAT over Dating Apps?
Traditional dating apps started as a convenient and new way for people to chat with and meet each other with the notion of a potential...

4 min read
The Fall of Traditional Dating Apps and the Ushering in of a New Era
While Traditional dating apps seemingly became a hit overnight in the 2010s, they have also seemingly become a thing of the past...

3 min read
The Globalization of Dating
Traditionally, within the context of dating, the location of someone has been a potential negative factor in the success of the...

4 min read
Traditional Dating Apps don't Understand their Users
Traditional dating apps have been around for awhile now, and they've ingrained themselves as somewhat of a joke among most people. As...

3 min read
Qualities Women Value Most in Men
If you search the web, particularly in the "Manosphere" of the internet, there is tons of content about how to attract women. A lot of...

4 min read
The Global Loneliness Epidemic: How FrostyWave can Help
Over the last 20 years, we have increasingly moved our social lives into the digital world. With the rise of social media, the prevalence...
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